Superior Safety Solutions is a safety consultancy based in New Jersey, providing compliance assistance nationwide. Our goal is to equip companies with the tools to make their safety programs proactive rather than reactive. Since 2019, we have offered services such as onsite OSHA representation, OSHA settlement assistance, simulated OSHA inspections, site safety management, professional consultation, training, and more.

What is a Safety Culture?

It’s a top-down commitment to making safety a priority. From senior management to field employees, a successful safety culture is a company-wide effort.

At Superior Safety, our goal is to ensure that all employees are educated on safe work practices to build and maintain a long-lasting safety culture.

This requires buy-in at every level, including:

  1. Sharing your objectives
  2. Reporting safety concerns immediately to a designated representative
  3. Defining safety responsibilities
  4. Creating a disciplinary program
  5. Developing a reward program
  6. Defining a successful incident investigation system
  7. Providing appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment)
  8. Conducting new employee orientation
  9. Seeking continuous improvement

Build a culture of safety with Superior Safety Solutions

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